- The CBRM1/5 monoclonal antibody specifically recognizes an activated form of the CD11b molecule that is expressed on activated monocytes, granulocytes, NK cells, and subsets of T and B cells. CD11b is also known as the alpha chain of either Mac-1 (MAC-1A/Mac-1α) or Complement receptor 3 (CR3A).
- All MACS Antibodies available in the 2 μL of antibody/test format will be available in 2 mL polypropylene vials with color-coded labels. In addition, the recommended volume of antibody per test will be indicated in the datasheet. Be sure to check the up to date datasheet to confirm the correct volume per test.
- Antibody is currently the best option for most users: it has simple syntax and it's blazing fast. Zplug is great for power users, with its support for commands, binaries, conditional loading, custom sources, and local files, but it loads noticeably slower than Antibody.
- Available for Windows, macOS. You're an antibody charged of destroying a microbe from the inside. This game was made for Ludum Dare 43.
Available for Windows, macOS. You're an antibody charged of destroying a microbe from the inside. This game was made for Ludum Dare 43.
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